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Writer's pictureAvery Wilder

A Lonely Week of ISM

Last week in ISM I was required to quarantine due to previously coming into contact with an individual who tested positive for Covid-19. Although I was bummed that I would not be able to be in ISM in person, I continued to work diligently from home. The main focuses of last week were my final product, as per usual, and my final presentation night.

I have made some amazing progress for my final product and am almost done with the entire prototype book. Last week I completed many of the 'middle pages' of the children's book, and am currently working on the ending of the book. I am extremely excited to almost be done with my final product and am looking forward to submitting my work.

Another big event coming in the near future is my final presentation night. Last week I begun working to get all necessary aspects needed for my final presentation night completed. I updated my invitations to make them much more formal and visually appealing, and chose what room I will have my presentation in. I am very excited to be so close to my final presentation day, and am looking forward to presenting everything I have learned over the past year in ISM.

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